Table of Contents
Basic Korean
While playing kRO, it is useful to know basic Korean for either quests, items, or partying with others.
Party Talk
It is beneficial to hotkey some phrases.
- 안녕히 계세요 - Goodbye!
- 격대기 될까요? - DPS Party spot?
- 빈자리가 있습니까? - Is there a spot in the party available?
- 11시에서 버프드릴게요 - I'll buff you at 11 o'clock (map direction)
- 균등하게 분배 - Evenly Distributed (EXP)
- 모여 주세요 - Please Gather
- 잠시 화살좀 - Need arrows
- 마나 좀 주세요 (polite) / 마나좀 부탁드립니다 (formal) - Please give me mana
- 마나를 - Mana
- 한 10분 자리비워도 되겠습니까? - Can I be excused for 10 minutes? (Log out)
- 화장실 좀 갔다 올게요 - I'm going to the bathroom. (Log out)
- 콘 - Convenio - Party leader will announce when Convenio will be used.
- 윈더구함 - Wanderer wanted
- 격대기 - Grandmaster which means party leader wanted.
- ㅎㅇ - This is pronounced as “Hai” which slang for “hi”
- 안녕하세요 - Formal Hello
- 네 - Yeah
- ㅇㄱ - Slang for “okay”
- 감사합니다 - Thank you
- 죄송합니다 - Sorry
- 어디시죵 - Where are you?
- 아 넵 - Yes
- 알겠스빈다 - Alright
- 헠 - Huh?/Yes?
- 그럼 전 이만 가보겠습니당~ - Then I'll get going now~
- 즐라하세용~! - Enjoy~!
- 화이팅 - Go For It / Work Hard / “Fighting” (phonetically translation) - A term of encouragement or support.
- 계신가여 혹시 - Are you there?
Champion Mobs
- 떠도는 - Elusive
- 두목 - Ring Leader
- 튼튼한 - Solid
- 빠른 - Swift
- 분노의 - Furious
Weapon Options
- Elemental Property
- 화 - Fire
- 수 - Water
- 풍 - Wind
- 지 - Earth
- 무 - Neutral
- 독 - Poison
- 성 - Holy
- 암 - Shadow
- 불사 - Undead
- 염 - Ghost
- Racial
- 무 - Formless
- 불사 - Undead
- 동물 - Brute
- 식물 - Plant
- 곤충 - Insect
- 어패 - Fish
- 악마 - Demon
- 인간 - Demi-Human
- 천사 - Angel
- 용족 - Dragon
- 팜] - “팜” is short for 팝니다(sell). For selling an item through megaphones. You can link the item to sell easier. Example: 팜] <의상 화염의 마스터>
- 삼] - “삼” is short for 삽니다(buy). For buying an item through megaphones. Example: 삼] 포츈소드 2.7억 which means Buying> Fortune Sword 270 million.
- 개 - Pieces. Example: 200개 means 200 pieces.
- ㅈㅇㄱ - Short for 좋은거 which means good things.
- This is slang for trading real Korean Won to Zeny. Players may sometime see broadcasts such as 삼] ㅈㅇㄱ 4.5:1 which means Buying 100 million zeny for 45,000 Korean Won.
- Real Money trading is not condoned. Players use caution.
- Numbers in Korean - A must read to understand numbering system.
When conducting a trade, the player may ask: “Where are you?” You should be next to a Kafra so you may respond with Prontera Kafra 3'o clock (프론테라 카프라 3시)
Ragnarok Abbreviations
- Sage - 세이지
- Scholar/Professor - 프페
- Sorcerer - 소서
- Elemental Master -엘마
- Priest - 프리
- High Priest - 하프
- Arch Bishop - 숍
- Cardinal - 숍
- Hunter - 헌터
- Sniper - 스나
- Ranger - 렌져
- Wind Hawk - 렌져
- Crusader - 크루
- Paladin - 팔라
- Royal guard - 로가
- Imperial Guard - 임가
- Alchemist - 알케
- Biochemist - ?
- Genetistic - 제내
- Biolo - 바이올로
- Wizard - 위자
- High Wizard - 하위
- Warlock - 워록 or 우럭
- Arch Mage - 악메
- Monk - 몽 or 몽크
- Champion - 챔
- Sura - 수라
- Inquistor - 인퀴
- Bard - 바드
- Clown - 크라운 / 바드
- Minstrel - 민스
- Troubadour - 트루
- Minstrel & Wanderer (performers) - 부부 or 쀼 (Married Couple)
- Doram - 도람
- Super Novice - 슈노 ([Su]per [No]vice)
- Hyper Novice - 하노 ([Hy]per [No]vice)
basic_korean.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/27 00:29 by Fujiyama Panic